Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter

I just spent couple of hours fighting "This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter" error.
Report worked fine in report designer, but refused to properly render in serverReport.Render(...) method.

I tried Google Search and all voodoo magic, including:
- Renaming my parameter;
- Set default value for my parameter;
- Restarting VS.NET;
- Re-creating my report from scratch.
Nothing helped.
I even though about manual rebuilding OLAP cube in Analysis Server ...

But then I simply changed "Available values" [for my parameter] from "From query" to "Non-queried".

That helped.


Keywords: VS 2005, VS2005, Visual Studio .NET 2005, OLAP, Microsoft Reporting Services, Microsoft Analysis Services, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, C#, VB.NET.


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